

Diamond Resorts Updates Timeshare Owners During Viral Disease Outbreak.

For more than a month, the entire country has been patiently waiting for the Coronavirus to run its course. As more time passes, restlessness increases. While it may be difficult to know what the aftermath of the pandemic will bring for timeshare owners, it’s safe to say resorts are hoping things return to normal sooner than later.

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Bluegreen Vacations Downsized Sales Staff Amid Coronavirus Disease

No matter where you’re surfing online, it’s nearly impossible to avoid any type of news about the coronavirus disease. Some people want stay at home orders in place while others demand that the government reopen the economy. While a few businesses may be thriving during the pandemic, many industries are losing millions of dollars daily.

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What Could Make Timeshare Ownership Worse During a Pandemic.

Over the past few weeks, we’ve been sharing a few hypothetical situations that vacation owners should most certainly consider. While it’s still difficult to tell when travel bans will be lifted or the economy will reopen, it’s safe to say that the hospitality industry will incur quite a bit of loss.

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Hilton Buying Back Stock Shares Amidst the COVID-19 Crisis.

Ever since the Coronavirus began wreaking havoc on Americans and the U.S. economy, timeshare owners have been patiently awaiting resolve from the resort. If you’ve been following along in recent weeks, we’ve been rather critical of the industry’s lack of action in the midst of a pandemic. Mostly because of the direct inconvenience it’s caused for those that were eager to vacation this year.

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What Vacation Owners Could Expect in the Aftermath of a Pandemic.

Although it may be difficult to make a timeshare payment right now, facing reality can help you avoid a number of devastating outcomes. At some point, the resort has to acknowledge the aftermath of a pandemic. Staying in communication with them is the best thing you can do – even if making payments isn’t an option.

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Using a Timeshare in America During an Era of COVID-19, Social Distancing

Owning a timeshare during this COVID-19 outbreak can be a tough pill to swallow. Especially if you’ve yet to use your weekly interval. Aside from the closing of several resorts, travel restrictions are now in place. But for some, using the timeshare while they still can is a priority. You might even be in the middle of your vacation right now.

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How Will Timeshare Companies Handle the Coronavirus Pandemic?

As we enter a time in history that most have never seen before, luxury items tend to lose their luster. Although the closing of restaurants and local entertainment venues forces us to avoid indulgence, we’re also forced to look at our expenses. When it’s difficult to obtain basic needs like food, water, milk and toilet paper – our priorities shift tremendously.

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This Book Explains How Salespeople Close Timeshare Deals.

If you own a timeshare package, then you’re probably well aware of the smoothe-takers in the conference room. Sadly, many like you wish they would have just said “No.” While the presentation itself can be quite riveting, the experience rarely lives up to the hype. This is because timeshare companies pay cunning salespeople to persuade unsavvy consumers.

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How Should Timeshare Companies Invest Their Earnings?

When you’re able to control the marketplace with prominent government figures, businesses and investors at your back, greed tends to steer the ship. Before the timeshare market dries up completely, those involved want to make sure they’re able to collect every last drop of potential profits.

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Highlands Resorts, Another Christie Lodge Vendor, Sued for Sales Deception.

The state of Colorado determined that Highlands Resorts and Todd Herrick “Intentionally deceived, misled and financially injured consumers.” But the purported deceitful operation didn’t act alone. The lawsuit states that Highlands Resorts paid third party telemarketers (that weren’t legally registered) to dishonestly undercut law-abiding competitors.

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