

Why Timeshare Exit Teams Shouldn’t Be Easily Trusted During Travel Bans.

The Coronavirus has created quite the stir in the travel industry since March. While millions of travelers have been inconvenienced, none should be more disturbed than the timeshare owner. Some have been paying thousands of dollars to their respective resorts for decades now – only to be left without answers and a financial option for relief.

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Wyndham Hotels & Resorts Addresses COVID-19 After Cutting Payouts

As we continue to analyze the COVID-19 responses by major timeshare resorts across the country, nothing said has been too surprising. At the same time, vacation owners are still left with their questions unanswered – some even feeling trapped in their agreements. Although Wyndham Hotels and Resorts was one of the first resorts to publish a statement, it didn’t provide much more information than the rest.

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Lead Generation Sites Trick Vacation Owners by Offering Shadow Relief

The simple fact that predatory agencies have an ability to target and communicate with most timeshare owners at any given point in time is concerning to say the least. Online promotions and ads for timeshare relief can be extremely luring for unhappy owners. Especially when they’re desperate for a way to escape their timeshare agreement.

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Hyatt Residence Club Publishes Statement on COVID-19.

As our country’s lockdown progresses, more timeshare companies are publishing news releases to speak on the impact of the Coronavirus. No matter who we’ve covered over the past few weeks, all resorts seem to be singing the same tune. The Hyatt Residence Club is the latest

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Is the Timeshare Travel Strategy for COVID-19 Really What It Seems?

Now that this pandemic has reached a point of no return, the general public has started to prepare for the aftermath of an economic crisis. Although timeshare companies were rather quiet during the first few weeks of the nation-wide quarantine, they’ve been adamantly working behind the scenes on a plan to sustain their business model.

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How Might Timeshare Owners Respond to a Pandemic?

Social distancing has been a worldwide phenomenon for more than a month now. Billions of people are grounded, waiting on government aid to revitalize their hope. Now that the Coronavirus has everyone’s attention, certain expenses are being looked at through a different lens – and decisions are being made to a different tune.

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Diamond Resorts Updates Timeshare Owners During Viral Disease Outbreak.

For more than a month, the entire country has been patiently waiting for the Coronavirus to run its course. As more time passes, restlessness increases. While it may be difficult to know what the aftermath of the pandemic will bring for timeshare owners, it’s safe to say resorts are hoping things return to normal sooner than later.

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Bluegreen Vacations Downsized Sales Staff Amid Coronavirus Disease

No matter where you’re surfing online, it’s nearly impossible to avoid any type of news about the coronavirus disease. Some people want stay at home orders in place while others demand that the government reopen the economy. While a few businesses may be thriving during the pandemic, many industries are losing millions of dollars daily.

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What Could Make Timeshare Ownership Worse During a Pandemic.

Over the past few weeks, we’ve been sharing a few hypothetical situations that vacation owners should most certainly consider. While it’s still difficult to tell when travel bans will be lifted or the economy will reopen, it’s safe to say that the hospitality industry will incur quite a bit of loss.

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Hilton Buying Back Stock Shares Amidst the COVID-19 Crisis.

Ever since the Coronavirus began wreaking havoc on Americans and the U.S. economy, timeshare owners have been patiently awaiting resolve from the resort. If you’ve been following along in recent weeks, we’ve been rather critical of the industry’s lack of action in the midst of a pandemic. Mostly because of the direct inconvenience it’s caused for those that were eager to vacation this year.

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