

What Vacation Owners Could Expect in the Aftermath of a Pandemic.

Although it may be difficult to make a timeshare payment right now, facing reality can help you avoid a number of devastating outcomes. At some point, the resort has to acknowledge the aftermath of a pandemic. Staying in communication with them is the best thing you can do – even if making payments isn’t an option.

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Using a Timeshare in America During an Era of COVID-19, Social Distancing

Owning a timeshare during this COVID-19 outbreak can be a tough pill to swallow. Especially if you’ve yet to use your weekly interval. Aside from the closing of several resorts, travel restrictions are now in place. But for some, using the timeshare while they still can is a priority. You might even be in the middle of your vacation right now.

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How Will Timeshare Companies Handle the Coronavirus Pandemic?

As we enter a time in history that most have never seen before, luxury items tend to lose their luster. Although the closing of restaurants and local entertainment venues forces us to avoid indulgence, we’re also forced to look at our expenses. When it’s difficult to obtain basic needs like food, water, milk and toilet paper – our priorities shift tremendously.

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This Book Explains How Salespeople Close Timeshare Deals.

If you own a timeshare package, then you’re probably well aware of the smoothe-takers in the conference room. Sadly, many like you wish they would have just said “No.” While the presentation itself can be quite riveting, the experience rarely lives up to the hype. This is because timeshare companies pay cunning salespeople to persuade unsavvy consumers.

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How Should Timeshare Companies Invest Their Earnings?

When you’re able to control the marketplace with prominent government figures, businesses and investors at your back, greed tends to steer the ship. Before the timeshare market dries up completely, those involved want to make sure they’re able to collect every last drop of potential profits.

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Highlands Resorts, Another Christie Lodge Vendor, Sued for Sales Deception.

The state of Colorado determined that Highlands Resorts and Todd Herrick “Intentionally deceived, misled and financially injured consumers.” But the purported deceitful operation didn’t act alone. The lawsuit states that Highlands Resorts paid third party telemarketers (that weren’t legally registered) to dishonestly undercut law-abiding competitors.

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Why Timeshare Giants Ignore Owner Complaints and Attack the Exit Industry.

Uncovering the intentions behind most timeshare entities is quite difficult. Truth be told, it can be quite discouraging too. There is a lot of noise that overpowers the fact that buyers are suffering while timeshares are thriving. Last July, ARDA reported that the timeshare industry made $9.6 billion in 2017 – more than any previous year.

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Vacation Owners Claim Bluegreen Sold Timeshares Under False Pretenses

According to the U.S. District Court’s filings, the plaintiffs stated the timeshare interval was not only more expensive than what was originally presented to them, but the promised benefits never transpired. Attorneys Todd Friedman and Jason Whittemore wrote, “Contrary to claims made by Bluegreen sales people, annual maintenance fees on the units increased substantially each year.”

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Destination Timeshare Wedding Asks Guests to Pay For Cancun Trip.

After finding herself concerned with a wedding invite that her boyfriend wanted to turn into a vacation, Katie turned to a friend for advice. Upon hearing the details of the trip, the friend agreed that her hesitation was valid. Aside from expecting their guests to pay for airfare and lodging, the couple getting married told invitees they’d have to attend a timeshare presentation in order to come.

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Another Conspirator Sentenced for Orlando, Florida Timeshare Resale Con.

Last summer, we covered a large scale scam where Daniel “Wolf” Boyer paid dozens of co-conspirators to sell fraudulent timeshare resale services to vulnerable owners. While a majority have already pleaded guilty, the investigation presumes. Paul Michael Marciniak is the second primary co-conspirator to receive his sentence.

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The Acadia Village Resort is Leasing Back Timeshare Intervals From the City of Ellsworth.

When vacation owners walk away from resort obligations or legally cancel the contract altogether, most don’t realize the impact it has on the city in which the interval is hosted. A number of towns across our country have suffered from the inadequacies of timeshare travel. In recent years, the Acadia Village Resort, a once coveted property that’s located just south of Graham Lake in Maine, has not only struggled to retain timeshare owners, but attract them as well.

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