Timeshare owners are beginning to put their foot down when it comes to broken promises by sales teams. Every month, a new bundle of legal claims surface across the industry regarding the experience of vacation ownership. Whether it be scams in the relief realm or simple buyer’s remorse, the trip’s starting to hit the fan. Like we’ve covered a number of times in past articles, nearly every form of regret stems from the initial sale. This is nothing new, smoke and mirror techniques have been used since the 1980’s. A class action lawsuit that was filed back in September of 2017, claiming Bluegreen sold timeshares under false pretenses, is only adding to the stigma of the timeshare industry.
Although many class action lawsuits form when victims experience similar outcomes in close proximity, timeshare legal battles often involve people from across the country. It’s highly unlikely that any of them attended the same timeshare presentation. What makes this simple fact interesting is that every plaintiff in a class action suit against a timeshare company would have had to experience similar misconduct. When a good number of vacation owners have the same complaints as buyers they’ve never met, then there’s a good chance that misleading sales tactics are frequently occurring.
Details on the Bluegreen Corp. Lawsuit.
In the 2017 lawsuit against Bluegreen Corp., a few dozen couples and a handful of individual buyers from across the United States came together to sue the timeshare conglomerate. They all believed they were duped, and that on many occasions, Bluegreen sold timeshares under false pretenses. While some lawsuits involve detailed acts of misconduct, this action was pretty straightforward. Each owner felt trapped in their agreement after the purchase didn’t match its description.
According to the U.S. District Court filings, the plaintiffs stated the timeshare interval was not only more expensive than what was originally presented to them, but the promised benefits never transpired. Attorneys Todd Friedman and Jason Whittemore wrote, “Contrary to claims made by Bluegreen sales people, annual maintenance fees on the units increased substantially each year.” Thousands of dollars that wasn’t planned for was handicapping their experience and creating a financial burden that didn’t make sense to them anymore.
Aside from complaints about the unexpected cost, plaintiffs also claimed Bluegreen sold them on a points program that was supposed to roll over year after year. Supposedly, the sales team assured them they could cash in their points for Bluegreen rentals and other units. But in reality, their points expired at the end of every year. In order to close the deal, timeshare representatives allegedly even told victims that the product came with a money back guarantee. In the end, owners stated they were not able to cancel and refund requests were denied – causing them to seek out other buyers that could relate. They soon found that the tactics Bluegreen used may be in violation of Florida’s Deceptive and Unfair Trade Practices Act.
The victim’s attorneys initially sought more than $5 million in damages so the federal judge over the case would deem it a class action lawsuit. “These representations were false and (Bluegreen) would not permit the plaintiffs to cancel or refund their timeshares, routinely doubled or tripled the represented maintenance fees, and did not roll over any ‘points’ between years,” Whittemore and Friedman wrote. Whether these timeshare owners proved Bluegreen sold timeshares under false pretenses or not, the trend of similar complaints continues in the industry today.
On March 20th of 2018, 38 plaintiffs withdrew from the case after two days of settlement negotiations.
85 Responses
I’d give anything to have our over 8000 dollars back. Now they have me in collections over maintenance fees. Our son is in for like 7000 on top of ours. I’m about to stroke out. No vacation but they want their damn maintenance fees.
I agree Jane, our maintenance fees were around $600 a year. Now, they are near $1700 and go up every year, but the resort doesnt make major improvements seen with those millions of dollars in maintenance fees.
If we knew then what we know now….
They also have me in collections for maintenance fees. Mine were $600 a year and no being a single
Mother and Nurse, I still can’t afford the fees. My now ex-husband and I were the ones who bought in but now I’m supposed to retain it after the divorce. I can barely afford to take a vacation now as it sits anyway let alone pay these outrageous fees.
Ok just went in for our owner’s update. A lawyer or JD rep was waiting for us. Entrapment tactic- did not sign anything waiting for class action to recoup thousands of people’s investment. Just let me know how I can help. Mike
I have a owner disclosure or update meeting tomorrow. I’m think this is a scam. Just trying to get out of this mess
Hi Mike – I would like more information. I’m so disappointed that I fell for their trap. I can’t book any trips and keep losing my points because nothing is available. Paying over $800 a year in maintenance fees is ridiculous! These timeshares are unsaleable and worthless. You can find them on ebay for $1.00 for 20,000 Annual Usage Points to just take over and transfer deed. What can we do about this? For those who haven’t purchased anything from Bluegreen… PLEASE DONT!
Hi Veronica,
I am living the same experience and am so disappointed. The expensive maintenance fees and I have not been able to book anything with 6000 points anywhere.(Not even close to being enough points to take a trip anywhere) The package they sold to our family is not useable. Have you had any luck in finding out an exit strategy?
Have you found a way out?!?!? In the same boat!!
I am in exactly the same boat. Is there a class action lawsuit open against them? I’m happy to join.
Same! My family has been trying to get rid of ours. All lies from these crooks! We are on board if there is a class action lawsuit. These ******** need to be put out of business for fraud!
I’d love to join- we were sold our timeshare on the premise that we could use it for cruises and I was repeatedly told I’d pay nothing but port fees and taxes. Now when I try to book a cruise it takes every single point we have and an additional $1500!!! I can book directly through carnival for less than that and zero points! We figured this out immediately and tried to get someone on the phone to help us but no one would ever respond or call back or they would send me a generic email message back that had nothing to do with the questions I’d actually ask. On top of that Matt maintenance fees have doubled that started the very first year. And if you don’t use your points you can roll them over the next year but they charge you more money to do that! Plus you don’t remember to pay for them you lose them. I can never find anything when I want to go somewhere and one trip I booked to a beach had to be canceled at the last minute due to the fact that my daughter broke her leg terribly while I was packing the car to leave to go on vacation. Needless to say we ended up in the hospital and in surgery so I called and canceled and explain the situation and was told our port would be refunded due to the fact that it was emergency but they never refunded the points. The hotel verified that I can and I’ve had this conversation with folks at Blue Green on occasions and on all occasions that verified with the hotel but they still won’t put the points back. I’d give anything to have back all the money we have poured in this stupid useless thing. Any help would be appreciated-thanks in advance! Tera blevins
We are in the same situation and feel trapped by this scam. Is there any way out of this?
My fiance and I are in the same boat. We couldn’t even travel due to COVID, but still have to pay for maintenance fees! I feel cheated by the company. I’d do anything to get rid of this stupid timeshare. I don’t even want any money back, just take it off my hands!
We have timeshare and our fees have accused to $4,000. We tried to negotiate too. They are trying to strong arm us as well.
– in addition to maintenance fees escalating at rates which exceed their actual maintenance costs, but instead are being used for expansion, which was not realistic during Covid;
– the terms offered during Covid with the expectation of folks traveling when we were under a state of emergency which limited travel are unrealistic; and
– they offered to release us, take back the timeshare and get rid of our back fees, but we get nothing for our timeshare purchase. We paid for the timeshare outright when we purchased it.
It’s a ripoff.
Are there any class action suits recruiting?
did you find help. is there any help in same boat cost of 42000 dollars only resale value 2500 dollars.
Michael I am in the same boat. Have you been able to find a solution Sir?
I had my time share paid off and didn’t owe them a dime. in 2010 my wife died of breast cancer that she was diagnose with in 2008. we didnt have a cancer policy, so we wound up losing most everything we had.. including my retirement and all our savings… we couldn’t keep up the tripled expense of maintenance fees and Bluegreen wouldnt lie split up the dues and pay payments throughout the year .. To make a long story short Bluegreen foreclosed on our timeshare even though it was paid for . They just suddenly foreclosed because of unpaid late fees. No court action, not prior notice , just got a notice in mail one day the it had been foreclosed on and my membership suspended….This company is corrupt, disgusting , and are ripping people off still yet today just as they have been for years. I never knew who to contact to get help so I just chalked it up to a really bad decision to purchase from these people…Too late for me , but I wish someone could do something about these people who continue to prey on the us-suspecting public.
Did BlueGreen come after you beyond foreclosure of the timeshare? I’m considering to stop pay these fees.
Wow! What a rip off from the wonderful picture that is painted when the high pressure salesperson is tightening the “close the deal” sales performance screws. This vacation plan has been a nightmare from the beginning. Lost points, additional unplanned fees, and the maintenance fees that continue to increase every year! Another thing it is often difficult to get a reservation through the club because all of the times are already taken or it is outside of the allowed timeframe for booking. I remember being told that our points would give us the opportunity to vacation all over the United States and travel to ore exotic destinations. They made it seem like once you paid for your points that it would be smooth sailing but that is not the case and has never been. Lost points, fees, fees & more fees and don’t forget Maintenances! I will gladly give me points to anyone that is willing to take them along with the title. How can I get Out??
We’ve had no issues to speak of. We don’t always get to go where we want when we want, but over all, not a bad experience. We pay about $1500 a year in maintenance fees and usually get about 12 days in a 2BR on average. The resorts we’ve been to are quiet and from 3 to 5 star quality. Overall we are pleased with our experience.
Also want to add: on an owner review/update I misinterpreted some things that were said. I thought I needed more points to get certain benefits and was going to buy an additional 5000 points. After reviewing everything, they corrected me and we cancelled the sale. This happened at Mountainloft in Gatlinburg. It did take several hours of my time, but they didn’t sell me more points under false pretenses, even though it was my misunderstanding.
We are older owners. Our fees have increased significantly over the years. From several hundreds to 2200 this past year. We are at Wilderness Club currently with 2 of our daughters and their
families . Very shocked at the prices charged for every thing in the park and for dues. So disappointing s we have many wonderful vacations prior that we could not have had with out Bluegreen. We have refused to up our points at owner reviews and if our children inherit they either have to pay dues or give back points. We were told children inherit not that they inherit points and FEES
I want to be involved with a class action against them. Is it still a possibility with this?
Hi Brenda,
My name is Mirta. I would also like to be involved in class action suit. I also have been had by this company.
Have you found out any info about a class action lawsuit against Blue Green vacations?
I am interested in getting rid of our Bluegreen
Same here, they don’t let me get rid of, the main tenancy fee have increase, the points can not be roll over and instead of yearly are actually buy early… everything they said was a lie.
I greatly desire to be involved in a new class action lawsuit against this corrupt company. What can I do to get out of this ponzie scheme?
I paid 2020 Maintenance fees over $1800 and carried my points. Due to Covid was not able to use. When it became time to use there were no places to stay that were not booked. I am a Silver member and have been with Blue Green since 2007. I am being harassed now for 2021 maintenance fees. This ridiculous that a company that was not running fa full year can ask for more money. Does anyone know if there is an attorney out there that can define how they can continue to collect with no proof they were fully operational and had locations that were not affected.
How do we get involved in the class action lawsuit? Is it too late? Our attorneys have done NOTHING. We hired the attorney two years ago! This is still hitting our credit report.
Is there a class action lawsuit going on now that I can be a part of for the same reasons? Broken promises, misrepresenting of so many benefits that are not true.
I would like to be included in a class action suit.
When we bought we was promised things we aren’t getting now.
Couldn’t go because of COVID then couldn’t book reservations.
I recently went to a presentation and declined their offers. They had promised to give is 6 50.00 food vouchers, but the vouchers turned out to be worthless. We can’t use them anywhere. I’m so glad I didn’t sign up for anything. I want nothing to do with this company.
We are currently at Patriot Henry Square in Williamsburg. Did a review yesterday. Told them we wanted out. They kept trying to sell more points. Was told that the bottom line is that if you don’t pay your maintenance fees, they will legally come after you. I am to the point I don’t care. Best case scenario it to rent, so you can pay your maintenance fees with that. They actually admitted that people booking and renting them out is their competition, but they could’ve lying about that too.
We are in the same boat fees are skyrocketing and no response from BG . I would like to be a part of the class action lawsuit . At this point i just want to get rid of it.
I wish I had read this before I got involved with BlueGreen. My husband and I are now in contract with them. We originally purchased 4,000 points and then purchased a “Sampler” of 9,000 points. We just went and booked up 9,000 in vacations since they expire in September. Now I’m told the 4,000 that we purchased was included in the reservations and there is no option to rollover. It is use the other points before September or loose them. We tried checking our mortgage statement. They cannot find it. Now I have to take time out of work to call and get this figured out. They can’t find the mortgage details, but have no issue taking it out of my account. I would love to get out of this.
We want-in the lawsuit!
Please let me know
We all need to come together and file a lawsuit against them. We all have the same problems
Have you found out info on a class action lawsuit? I’d like to know?
We were sold the Same Beautiful dream of vacationing all over the USA easily. And could even vacation to Exotic Islands of the Caribbean
Every time we tried to book a stay along the Gulf Coast, nothing was available. Yearly Fees never diminished.
Please place us with Any Class Action Law Suit for the False Claims made to us. We live in Mississippi. We would settle for just a portion of our investment and Be Done with Bluegreen
Thanks for sharing
Went to a sales promotion in St Augustine Florida
Asked if I could video sales presentation for future reference. Absolutely not. First bell in my head went off.
Down hill from there. Obviously didn’t buy. Wouldn’t put sales pitch in righting . Asked for guarantee maintenance fee would not increase. No way. Make choices with your head not your heart.
I’ll gladly give any of you my 5,000 points or sell them to you for $1 if you sign to take over the yearly fees! This is the biggest rip off I’ve ever seen. It’s the vacation mob. I’m all for a class action lawsuit and I have an idea of how to go about it and win but there is no way I’ll mention it here.
Interested in a class action lawsuit.
Is there any class action lawsuit against Bluegreen right now? I’d like to join.
Thanks for sharing post
Thanks post
I want to be involved in the BlueGreen Vacations lawsuit as well.
Even during the COVID pandemic, they disregarded vacations that could not be taken and did not even allow owners extended time to use the points that were accrued during that time. As time as gone on since COVID, my points that I accrued during the COVID pandemic is about to vanish before my eyes.
Dice 2019, they have altered my contract. When I purchased it the contract states that I can use a wide number of hotels, now you can only go to Choice Hotel brands. My contract has been altered in a way that the benefits for paying over16,000 dollars every year is just to Bluegreen’s benefit.
They fabricated during the sales pitches like we are owners , but at the mercy of BlueGreen paying the company to stay in business through tactics of swindling people out of their money.
Can some legal expert help us (everyone) along with military families?
I want to be involved in the BlueGreen Vacations lawsuit as well.
Even during the COVID pandemic, they disregarded vacations that could not be taken and did not even allow owners extended time to use the points that were accrued during that time. As time as gone on since COVID, my points that I accrued during the COVID pandemic is about to vanish before my eyes.
Since 2019, they have altered my contract. When I purchased it the contract states that I can use a wide number of hotels, now I can only go to Choice Hotel brands. My contract has been altered in a way that the benefits for paying over $16,000 dollars every year is just for Bluegreen’s benefit.
They fabricated about the benefits of ownership truly was during the sales pitches like we are owners, but at the mercy of BlueGreen paying the company to stay in business through tactics of swindling people out of their money.
Can some legal expert help us (everyone) along with military families?
I want to be involved in this class action lawsuit as well. Please keep me informed. We have never been able to use any of our points or so called vacation time. They only want more money from us to buy more points which are totally worthless.
How can I get in the lawsuit? Reading the comments in the list are the exact same complaints I have. I do not want to walk away from the $10,000 I paid them.
How can I get in the lawsuit? Reading the comments in the list are the exact same complaints I have. I do not want to walk away from the $10,000 I paid them. Our congressmen should do something about these companies. But maybe they are contributing to their campaign funds. They would not want to loose all of that money.
We are in the same situation it’s the same misleading sales tactics and false promises I would like to be a part of a class action law suit. We need to come together and make them pay for our suffering and sleepless nights. If anyone know Ajmer a class action please reply I want to be part of it…
I really need in the class action lawsuit, I was so presured into buying and completely mislead, and tricked. I’m a single mom and not working fulltime right now. I have acquired so much debt trying to maintain my bluegreen timeshare and survived.
Just when I thought I had heard all the lies and fabrications possible at the sales lying sessions, a new one was presented to my wife and I at the St. Augustine sales dept. The sales guy who shows up is usually carrying a copy of some history of your transactions when he/she comes to sit down. On that printout, are your previous purchase(s). That info will depict either an FFS (fee for service) or a BXG (Blue Green etc) designation. They told us that the FFS affiliated us with the Associated Resorts which Bluegreen manages and assists with and does not own. Then they told us that some day Bluegreen will dump those resorts and have only their own corporately owned resorts. When that happens, we will lose our present Silver ownership and be assigned one week in one apartment at one resort. That’s it!!! SO, IF WE BUY MORE POINTS, THEY CAN CHANGE ALL THAT AND MAKE ALL OUR CONTRACTS BXG. PROBLEM SOLVED!!! Just buy a Gold Level for 30K more and they will fix everything! Has anyone heard that one before? I just filed a complaint with Owner Services but I’m not holding my breath. If any attorney out there knows anything about this, please respond with a post. The scariest thing is: maybe it’s true. Owner Services said it wasn’t.
They are criminals
Same 😢
We are in the same situation and feel trapped by this scam. Is there any way out of this?
I want to be involved in this class action lawsuit as well. Please keep me informed. We have never been able to use any of our points or so called vacation time. They only want more money from us to buy more points which are totally worthless.
Please add me to this Class Action Suit if started OR let’s come together and form a law suit to enable financial freedom from this scam. I made this horrible financial decision. I was sold under false pretenses. Over 6 hours later, I left the hard sell with nothing but a lifelong financial loss (no vacations yet monthly payments for life). It means NOT actually being able to afford a vacation, healthcare, provide as much care/visits for my aging parents, and no longer able to afford paying back student loans as I had before. Prior to this financial disaster; I was in a much better financial place.
We would like to get in on the class action suit! We have been lied to so many times that we are trying to sell but even though we paid over $2 a point we are expected to sell at 50cents is less. I am so tired of being lied to.
Add me to the class’s action. We were told at our initial purchase that they would buy back our points if we ever needed to sell. Now our maintenance fees are over $6000 a year and we can’t afford it.
We were convinced that by moving up to Diamond points level a “whole new world would open up”, including access to Windham time shares. It turns out that there is no such program but something may start in 2024. No one in Bluegreen will speak with us! Our children say we were duped and don’t want to inherit this burden. How do we join a class action?
Same here. Would love to give my points (28,000 on odd years and 14,000 on even years) to someone who could use the savings by getting it for $1. That way maintenance fees woujd be your only expense. We are not in good health to even use it.
I recently stayed at Bluegreen (BG) Christmas Mountain Village in WI. In the same city there is another BG resort at Mt. Olympus. Mt. Olympus has a waterpark and heme park attached to it. We were able to get tickets to the water park for $5 as BG members staying at another BG resort (they are free if you stay at Mt. Olympus). While at the waterpark I talked with lots of people, none of them by the way were BG owners. A few families were staying at Mt. Olympus as paying nightly consumers ($300 per night). I find this to be an extra big issue since we were unable to book a room at Mt. Olympus as BG owners (due to NO AVAILIBILITY) but BG is selling rooms to the public (non BG owners). It is my belief that much of the reason BG owners can’t ever find any availibility is because BG reserves and sells rooms to the public. We have been to so many owner update meetings and it has always been about the owners of BG, not the public having the ability to rent when we can’t even book any vacations. This has to be illegal?? Does anyone out there have any knowledge as to the legality of this??
I have read all these comments and it looks like we are all in the same boat. We have close to $40,000 in our timeshare and guess what…. It’s usable. We were told that we couldn’t get rid of it.
If everyone on here wants to find a way to start a lawsuit, I am willing to put in the work to make that happen. Here is my email: I am going to reach out to several attorneys and see what can be done. I would love my money back.
Wish I can save people from spending their hard earned money into this scam – our maintenance fees jumped up 17% in 2 years and it is $2300 a year. This has been an absolute nightmare
PLEASE LET ME KNOW IF THERE IS A CLASS ACTION LAWSUIT AGAINST B/G. I already pd off 13,000. They conned me into rolling over my points for supposedly 16,000 w a bunch of other bull crap and went to my bank to cancel the automatic w draw every month and found out they charged me 18,000. I am now a widow,got the maintenance fee due letter which went from $657 in 2017 to 2100 a yr 2023.!!!!! I can’t afford this as I am on a fixed income and now their THREATENING ME TO TURN ME IN 60 DAYS TO CREDIT UNION. I HAVE EXCELLENT CREDIT. ANYONE PLEASE HELP ME W THIS!!!!! I contacted a company who promises to get u out of it but wants money up front that I DONT HAVE and come to find out their being sued for fraud.😡😡😡😡😡
i would like to join , if theres a lawsuit for this scammer. Me and my husband feel the same way, like trapped. its so frustating.
We are in the same boat lied to from the beginning and haven’t been for years because nothing available on the East coast after they promised there would be. We are in Virginia would like to be a part of a VA class action lawsuit that is started. At this point i just want to get rid of it.
I am in the same boat as all. I bought my Timeshare outright. I hardly use it because of the cost of Airlines There were also no resort Hotel from them in my area until recently when they opened one. I was able to book a stay after owning it for 10 years and keep paying maintenance feels, even though I wasn’t using it. This year when they went up so high on my fees due to the hurricane in Florida, I went through the roof. I called them because I just could not come up with that amount of money. The staff lady told me they went up on everyone. I was shocked because the vacation stay was not as top rated as I thought it would be. I thought about speaking to my Congressman and District Attorney to see what they can do about the rising cost of these fees. I think it is outrageous. Bluegreen can do better but they are not thinking about the people who helped them to build an empire.They selfishly is only thinking about themselves.
I feel the same way. I will be willing to start another class action lawsuit against bluegreen. They are a rip off and must be stopped. I have ti pay fees for everything, save points, a fee, cancel trip, a fee, convert points, a fee. Can’t ever book anything because of dates and most resorts are 3 star, I hate it!!
If you want to start a lawsuit with me, reply here with name and I will create an email account just for this and reach out to everyone. We may need at least 50 people
We were given false information when we were at our presentation. Please contact me if you get enough interest to get a lawsuit going!
I would join a class action suit also — but I must say after reading all these stories my troubles seem SMALL! We bought outright, no mortgage, under Innseasons management in Lincoln, NH and when they sold that particular resort to Bluegreen we lost everything we had been promised. I think maybe ONCE since then we have been able to get a week that it was possible for us to use. On the up side our wasted yearly fee is “only” about $650! Would gladly join in a class action lawsuit should one be mounted. Can’t afford to initiate legal action ourselves nor can we afford the negative impact on our credit rating if we just stop paying out.
I am glad to know we are not the only ones, BG is a rip off for sure they never even have anything available and everything is over priced they made it seem like you would be save so much money with this but honestly we screwed ourselves. I wish we could get out of this, its been hard to plan trips and keep up with all the fees.
Hi Cheryl here . My daughter’s and I (disabled) were homeless at when we purchased thinking it would allow us to travel while at the same time being different venues. Unfortunately after seeing empty promises on availability our $4,500 plus any other payments went down the drain. Boy I chalk this up being a sucker Bluegreen 👅. If there is still a class action please make us a party to it.
We would be in a class action lawsuit as well. We have been owners for a number of years and like everyone else the maintenance fees were getting out of hand! We went to an owner update and the only thing we asked about was ways to earn rewards points to help pay the maintenance fees. We were told that if we purchased more points and went into a higher tier, we would earn points by booking a stay every year. We questioned that several times only to be reassured that it was a program they had for the higher tier owners. After the purchase we went to book a trip to get the rewards points and apply them to our fees and the agent on the phone told us that no program existed! We never would have purchased more points if not for the lies the salesman used!!! NO ONE NEEDS TO PURCHASE FROM BLUEGREEN EVER!!!
We are older owners of Bluegreen. We had approximately $ 80,000-90,000 invested in Bluegreen! Latest Maintenance fees were over $5,000 a year. We hired a company(Square One-a scam company and paid them a bunch of money to get us out) and supposedly they got us out. We never got any of our original investment back(lied to about all of it when we bought and promised the moon) and are left with nothing! What a bunch of crooks. We are honest and hard working people and expected to have nice vacations in our later years-we are both 81 and living on Social Security and struggling because we spent our retirement money on BLUEGREEN!!!
If you want out, Try some of the group on Facebook. There are a lot that will take it off your hand some will even pay you (not much) for it. But at less you are not paying someone.
I am an owner and it is paid off and the fees are all paid up but, BlueGreen frozen my account and I can not book anything. Because I book a family reunion (10 units). I was having a good time until now and I am not the only one.
I hear you loud and clear. We too are older and thought this would be a great gift to leave our children and grandchildren. We put a lot of money into BG. We were told the kids could take over our property only problem is they could never afford the maintenance fees that are now over $6500 a year and rising. If this suit is legit and will truly help we want iin
Much like the last 2 people to post comments; we lost lots of money through the lies and high pressure sales from BG. My wife and I would love to be part of a class action lawsuit against BG. We were able to get out from under ours by paying a timeshare exit company to stop the bleeding of maint fees, etc. but I would love to recoup at least a portion of our investment which is similar to the last post on here. I can offer lots of documentation and examples. Feel free to contact me but I’m not willing to dump anymore money into but I am willing to give up some of the proceeds from a settlement to recoup our losses. I just don’t trust anybody anymore after dealing with BG.
Please add me to any class action lawsuit against bluegreen. It sounds like we all got hoodwinked. I’m out a ton of money too!!!
My wife and I have had the same experience. We will not shop at Cabellas or Bass Pro shops due to their support of BlueGreen.
Please add us to the list, if there is another class action lawsuit against GlueGreen.